My mom lost both of her parents pretty close together. She always been the kind of person who kept cards she is given and I inherited that from her. So one year when I was back home in Memphis visiting her house, I found a box of her letters and I found one signed by both her parents in their own handwriting: "mama & daddy." I took photos of the card, and sent it to an etsy seller who made jewelry. The artist was able to take the signatures from the photo and engrave them on a gold bar for a necklace. That Christmas, I gave it to my mom and she absolutely loved it and wears her parents signatures every day.

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I come from a family of 8.. my youngest brother Sam was 10 or so at the time, and wanted a BB Gun more than any other gift in the world.. after all of us opened gifts, Sam was so dejected he didn't get what he ultimately wanted.. without him knowing, we cued up the scene from A Christmas Story when Ralphy also, didnt get his BB-gun.. while watching, Sam had no idea that we slid his new BB-gun right next to him as he watched the scene unfold.. so did we.. pure joy immediately followed.. it was special

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A few years ago I got my wife a Bible that I read through. While I read through it, I thought of my wife and how the Lord has moved in her life and our marriage. I jotted down thoughts that I had in the columns of the Bible as I read and addressed every thought to her. The goal of it was to be a Bible that she could go to and at any point not just encounter Jesus through the Word, but also a love letter from me on the same page.

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(a Mom who loves Dadville writing here): two quick stories.

1) Not the best gift EVER, but notable because of my husband's doubts. I selected a windshield scraper/mitten combo to give to a single gal friend over a decade ago. Basically you stick your hand into the mitten to grab the end of the integrated scraper, ensuring your digits stay warm while you're dealing with the ice. My husband [gently] mocked me for the randomness of the gift and then had to pick his jaw off the floor when our friend opened it and declared it was the perfect gift. My reward is now being the one who has to choose all the gifts we give.

2) possibly the best gift I've given: we bought an 11 foot pew from our church before our old building was torn down in preparation for a new one. Problem is no one has room for an 11 ft bench in their house which is why it was so cheap. So we found a carpenter who was able to cut the pew in half to two much more manageable 5+ ft benches, create two new end pieces, and gifted one of the shorter pews to friends as a wedding present.

~You guys are awesome!

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