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Excellent episode, guys. And not that this is the only thing I took away from the hour but I just have to mention since you brought it up, Jon—- that I literally live in one of the catalog/mail order houses. Circa early 1950s. 🏡😂 There’s a little metal plaque in the one closet that says so and it’s been confirmed by multiple people that knew the original owners. I bought the house from the family after the folks that “ordered” it passed away.

And as a mother who contends with an existent but mostly absent father for her child, it does take a village, but also strong shoulders. Definitely a heavy load when you’re doing both jobs and picking up pieces along the way. She’s 21 now and is a strong, determined woman but man—will a therapist get an earful from her one day. 🤣

Keep on keeping on and we will keep listening.

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